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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
84662 Labels
13810 Composers
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Search Results
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A search for 'Dark Knight, The (Bonus Digital Release)' gave the following results:

1 matches in composers
  1. Terry Knight

10658 matches in tracks
  1. The Dark Knight Triumphant/End Titles (05:09)
    from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1
    Disc 1: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - part 1
  2. Dark (05:05)
    from Saw
    performed by Illdisposed; Roadrunner release exclusive bonus track
  3. Charly's Song (Digital Bonus) (03:04)
    from Congress, The
  4. Baby Escapo (Digital Bonus) (05:22)
    from Congress, The
  5. The Unfinished Kiss (02:53)
    from Man From U.N.C.L.E., The
    Bonus Tracks (digital only)
  6. Digital Bonus Track - Old Dogs, New Tricks (01:48)
    from Skyfall
  7. 23. The Tower (02:33)
    from Game Of Thrones
    Bonus digital download track, wav file
  8. 22. I Need You By My Side (02:36)
    from Game Of Thrones
    Bonus digital download track, wav file
  9. 26. Hodor (02:24)
    from Game Of Thrones
    Bonus digital download track, wav file
  10. 21. Service of the Gods (02:48)
    from Game Of Thrones
    Bonus digital download track, wav file
  11. 25. I Choose Violence (01:48)
    from Game Of Thrones
    Bonus digital download track, wav file
  12. 20. Lord of Light (04:16)
    from Game Of Thrones
    Bonus digital download track, wav file
  13. A Dark Knight (16:15)
    from Dark Knight, The
  14. A Dark Knight (16:15)
    from Dark Knight, The
  15. A Dark Knight (16:15)
    from Dark Knight, The
  16. A Dark Knight (16:15)
    from Dark Knight, The
  17. A Dark Knight (16:15)
    from Dark Knight, The
  18. 24. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (01:44)
    from Game Of Thrones
    Bonus digital download track, wav file
  19. Hunt The Dark Knight III (01:54)
    from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2
  20. Hunt The Dark Knight II (01:15)
    from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2
Show all 10658 matching tracks